Treasure Coast CISM Mission
The mission of the TC CISM Team is to utilize strategies to assist multi disciplinary personnel by providing support, training, education, and interventions to increase resilience when experiencing a critical inci dent.
Our local team has been actively assisting first responders since 1993. In 2018, the team became a Non-profit 501(c) 3, to increase the outreach potential for the Treasure Coast agencies & communities.
Supporting First Responders After Critical Incidents
Providing strategies to support professionals working with critical events.
The Treasure Coast CISM Team is a 501(c) 3 and is a registered Hotline Team with International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Dedicated to Supporting First Responders
Non-Profit Organization Helping First Responders
This volunteer team is comprised of multi-disciplinary volunteers: emergency response personnel, Sheriff's, Police, Firefighters, 911/ dispatch, Crisis Canines, Nurses, Mental health professionals, Clergy, and other peers.
Members of the team will have completed training in CISM and provide copies of their certification.
The acronym CISM has become well known to the emergency services industry. A critical incident can be defined as any incident that evokes extraordinary emotions and can overwhelm the person’s ability to cope. These techniques provide timely and valuable intervention for “first responders” who have made a career choice to serve others.
The goal is to help diminish the impact of traumatic stress that can occur.
Treasure Coast CISM Mission The mission of the TC CISM Team is to utilize strategies to assist multi disciplinary personnel by providing support, training, education, and interventions to increase resilience when experiencing a critical incident.
Our local team has been actively assisting first responders since 1993. In 2018, the team became a Non-profit 501(c) 3, to increase the outreach potential for the Treasure Coast agencies & communities. 772-242-3236
What would be considered a Critical Incident?
The team will assess the appropriate level of multi-component involvement.
Examples of free involvement include:
• Pre- Incident training
• One on one support
• Defusing
• Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
• Follow up referral services
Examples of critical incidents that may require intervention are:
• Officer involved shooting
• Multi-casualty incidents
• Extraordinary or Prolonged events
• Suicide of a colleague
• Line of duty death or serious injury
• Death or violence involving children
• Significant events capable of causing emotional distress for those who are exposed to it.
These few examples are not all inclusive.
History of CISM
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) has teams world wide. For over 50 years, this multi level approach has been used as a form of early intervention to assist those exposed to traumatic events. Since 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations has had a CISM Unit under the Dept. of State and Security.
Studies of major traumatic events revealed that responders experienced some form of stress related symptoms either immediately or even long after the incident. Such as: Mass Shootings, Bombings, Terrorist attacks, Hurricanes, & Pandemics. Prompt response has been shown to decrease stress-related issues.
The CISM process is based on
• Building Resiliency
• Increasing Resistance
• Improving Recovery post-event
These interventions are under no circumstance a form of psychotherapy or a substitute for psychotherapy.
Providing assistance to first responders in critical incidents.
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